How to find, hire, and pay freelance designers to help build your community.
(without breaking the bank or pulling your hair out)


 The Dirty-Little-Not-So-Secret
of Church Design

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you could use a hand. We know because when it comes to hiring freelance designers, we’ve played for both teams. That’s why we wrote this book to spill our guts about all things freelance design for churches, including:

● Where to find freelance designers who don’t suck (and won’t break the bank)

● The 7 steps to a successful freelance design launch

● How to manage freelancers (without going insane)

● An honest conversation about the sustainability of outsourcing design

● The dark side of the freelance design market

● Why finding good freelancers is harder than ever in 2022

● The 5 types of freelancers most churches work with

Get all that and more in The Church Design Freelancer Playbook, which you can download using the form right above this. It’s even got a big, friendly button to press, and we’ll email you the ebook right away. We double-pinky promise we won’t spam you, because we hate spam, and you can always break up with us any time you like. We won’t cry.

(So what are you waiting for? Download the ebook here)

Talk soon


 Hey, you’re reading the part where we tell you all the legal stuff. We’d love to talk about design at your church, but we hate spam (unless it’s in musubi), so you can trust that we won’t sell your info, or spam you!